Thursday, March 12, 2020

How To Clean Red Wine Stains From Your Carpet

Whether a little or a lot of red wine accidentally ended up splattered across your carpet, here is a sure fire method for erasing the mishap, as if it never happened at all.

There are many different suggested red wine cleaning solutions available online these days, but the one go-to quick fix that I use each and every time, includes water and OxiClean.

OxiClean is an incredible stain remover that works to lift stains from all types of different fabrics, including carpet.

OxiClean is powered by the air we breathe and the water we drink.

Here is how to use OxiClean to clean red wine stains from your carpet:

    Mix 1/4 scoop of OxiClean with 16 ounces of water.
    Apply enough OxiClean solution to saturate the wine stain.
    Allow to saturate for up to 5 minutes.
    Blot the saturated area with a light-colored towel.
    Repeat steps 2 and 3 until the stain is no longer visible.
    Rinse the area with clean water and blot dry.

The people behind OxiClean won't give away their trade secret, but they do inform you that OxiClean breaks down the interaction between water and oxygen, which creates mini bubbles that go to work lifting stains.

The main ingredient in OxiClean is hydrogen peroxide and it also includes a certain form of detergent.

OxiClean uses an oxidizing science that allows you to use the solution on colored fabrics, so you can feel safe using OxiClean, no matter the shade of your carpet.

Other known methods for cleaning red wine stains from your carpet include:

    Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda. Much like OxiClean, when hydrogen peroxide and baking soda are paired together, they form tiny bubbles that help lift away stains.
    Salt. It's been said that if you douse a fresh dark wine stain with plenty of salt and let dry, you can vacuum the mess away and the stain will be gone. This method isn't a solution for cleaning the stain, however, salt will help to keep the wine stain from setting in.
    Club soda. Carbonation has been thought to lift red wine stains from carpet fibers. However, it too like salt, helps the stain from setting in.
    White wine is a red wine neutralizer and when combined together, can make lifting stains away easier.

All in all, the main actionable components for cleaning red wine stains are the same. Saturate the fresh red wine spill with a clear base liquid, and blot dry after a period of time. Repeat these steps until the stains is no longer noticeable.

The two worst things you should definitely avoid in dealing with red wine stains are; trying to rub out the stain instead of blot drying, and allowing the stain to dry completely before giving it a clear liquid based saturation.