Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Cocktail of the week: Salon Brixton’s country tailor sidecar – recipe

A twist on the classic sidecar, which traditionally uses cognac. This works as aperitif or digestif, because though the citrus adds lightness, it still packs a decent punch. Serves one.

40ml cider brandy (we use Somerset Alchemy 15-Year-Old) 
20ml Cointreau
15ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 twist orange peel, to garnish

Chill a martini or coupette glass (freeze it for half an hour or, if pushed for time, pop in a couple of ice cubes and top with cold water). Put all the liquids in a shaker with a good handful of ice, shake hard for four to five seconds, then double-strain into the glass, garnish and serve.